
Driving Tips for Angels

Good choice. Here we offer driving and tips related to road users for the angles in you. This is just the beginning of an entire series of tips and observations. We welcome comments and suggestions. If you have new tips please hit comment (Top right) and we would like to hear your point of views or tips you want to share. Tips in this section is strongly encouraged and together we can make this world a better place ...

1. Defensive Driving -Observe cars coming onto the main road from smaller roads:
Many times we see cars waiting to enter onto the main road from a small side road and sometimes they move out without due consideration of oncoming traffic. This can be bad for both cars. What I suggest is that when you notice a car waiting to come onto the main road from far, look at their rims. Yes I mean it, rims have spokes and the slightest rotation can be detected, any attempt of the car to move off suddenly will show first on it's spokes... don't at the entire car as a whole...

2. Defensive Driving -Always play scenarios in your mind:
While driving, try not to only focus on the car ahead of you, I can never stress this enough. Look at the car ahead of you and if possible the other two cars in front of the car that's directly in front of you. Notice cars to your left and right, play scenarios in your mind of the car to your left suddenly swerve towards you. Do you have enough space to avoid a collision? Always know you escape direction/ route.. in an emergency - e.g. the vehicle in front of you jams brake, do you have an exit route?

3. Speed
Never exceed the posted speed limit. Weather conditions permitting, always maintain the legal speed limit.
To maintain a safe distance between you and the car ahead, keep a following distance of at least two seconds. Add one second for each adverse driving condition such as bad weather.

4. Defensive Driving - Know Your Environment
Be aware of any potential road hazards. Watch for cars that suddenly swerve from their lanes to avoid pot holes, construction barriers, or stalled vehicles.
Bad weather such as rain can make driving difficult. Always watch for difficult conditions and be prepared to take defensive action. Follow these bad weather tips:

The tires on your car can lose traction on wet roads. Slow down if the roads are wet.

If your car goes into a skid, do not push down hard on the brakes. Take your foot off the accelerator and turn the steering wheel in the direction you want to go. Do not turn sharply. Use moderate turns of the wheel until you come out of the skid.

When driving on a highway, always be prepared for drivers to changes lanes suddenly in order to exit.

Do not let your emotions dominate your driving. Do not drive when you are tired. If you feel tired, pull off the road for some exercise and fresh air or a cup of coffee.

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