

Living in denial

Some forummers mentioned that I am “like” a “small kid” and that I am living in denial and here’s what he wrote:“like a small kid shooting something down just because of one black sheep. Getz what I mean? (Pun intended)”Wow and he got smarter along the way with a nice pun ….No let me clarify this. I am shooting down gets not because of one black sheep …I am shooting down at those black sheep…why people just don’t get it ? It is interesting to note that when I say that people with ego complexes tends to be very protective and sensitive to any hint of insult or attack. This is a natural reaction that has been inherited by our first ancestors way way back… let’s look at our human Phylogeny and let’s stop at Homo erectus 1.6 million years back is not too far back … they lived in groups (say up to 100) and any groups that has KNOWN vulnerability will tend to be very protective because they know they’ve got all to loose…a gust of wind may set off a full defensive formation and in today’s context a light toot at a Getz will set off a bee accelerating like crazy (although we all know what the max speed and max torque is) The point is you don’t really see comments like “who says EVO cannot make it?! I’ll prove it to you with exhaustive explanation and possibly jio you to a race” now reason is simple …you don’t need to prove something known no one will get any satisfaction out of that … hell do we see many Getz driver go all the way into ….”power to weight ratio” “pulleys” “Cams” “turbocharged” all this for an opportunity to prove that Getz can make it (and the term can make it is relative). Trying to rebut or substantiate that a vehicle “Can Make It” only serves to admit that the person already know Getz Cannot make it hence the need and want to Prove ….you see what I am saying here ? Ha Ha Ha

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